My Story
I have always loved working with children, and after graduating from college, I discovered a master's program in music therapy and psychology. I knew right away that this program and profession was a perfect fit because it combined my passion for music with my love of working with children. The funny thing is, I never thought about working with children with special needs. This all changed, however, during my internship when I worked on a pediatric rehab unit in a hospital. As soon as I started working with children with special needs, I knew I had found my calling and I have dedicated myself to these children and their families ever since. I currently have a private practice based in Exeter, NH and I work with individuals of all ages with special needs. To learn more about the services I offer, please visit
"Ryan Judd was able to motivate our son, to do certain things with ease that he had been laboring on in Speech, OT and ABA therapies. I tried Music Therapy because I thought it would be fun for our son, but then I quickly found it to be the most effective therapy we've tried. I hope other parents don't wait as long as I did to implement this wonderful resource, especially if you have the opportunity to work with Ryan Judd!" - Saundra S., Mother of a 6-year-old son with autism
Therapeutic Approach
Music therapy is an established health care profession that uses music to accomplish therapeutic goals. In a typical session, the client and therapist create musical experiences through instrument play, movement to music, singing, vocalizing, and song-writing. These experiences are focused on speech, occupational, physical, academic, and/or behavioral goals. Clients do not need any musical skill or experience to participate in and benefit from music therapy. To see more videos of music therapy in action, please visit my video blog page
What is music therapy and what are its benefits?
To create an environment where my clients are free to express themselves, I structure sessions that are fun and full of laughter. The improvisational, spontaneous nature of my work allows me to address each client's unique needs in the present moment. I also support and nurture inner strength and self-confidence by providing a musical landscape where clients experience joy and success. By facilitating the therapeutic relationship through music, drama, and creativity, my clients are more willing to work on their most challenging therapeutic goals.
Award-Winning DVD and Music Package
Perfect for Parents, Educators and Therapists!
Help your child or student develop new skills in a fun and enjoyable way!

"My husband and I can truly say that it’s fun for our whole family in addition to being educational and helping our sons meet developmental goals." - Alysa F., parent of a child with Autism
"Every therapist should add this DVD package to their therapy supplies." - Anne Zachry, PhD, OTR/L
The Rhythm Tree DVD and Music Package gives you everything musical you need to bond with children and help them develop self-esteem, motor skills, social skills, academic skills and speech/communication skills.
Award-Winning Albums for Relaxation and Sleep
My passion for using music and sound to heal extends beyond the face-to-face work that I do. I also compose and produce soothing instrumental guitar music and nature sound albums for relaxation and sleep. These albums have helped thousands of people struggling with stress, anxiety and insomnia and they have over 600 reviews with an average rating of 4.9 stars on Amazon. My work is based on research that demonstrates the positive effects of music and sound on sleep and anxiety. My unique background as a music therapist and an accomplished fingerstyle guitarist has given me the tools to help people through the power of music and sound. You can follow me on Spotify, and listen to these albums at, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora or GooglePlay.
Music Therapy Infographics

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Music Therapy Articles
Music Therapy Colleges and Careers
I frequently get asked about what schools and universities offer music therapy degrees. To answer this question I have compiled a list of the more than 50 schools in the United States and Canada that offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in music therapy.
I also get asked about music therapy as a career and what classes one should take in preparation for a bachelor's or master's program. The American Music Therapy Association has put together some excellent information in regards to this at
Music Therapy Interviews
Podcast Interview with Judith Epstein on the JustEducation podcast. We had a great talk about how parents can use music to help children with special needs learn, grow and develop!!!
Information from the American Music Therapy Association
To download articles from the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) about the benefits of music therapy with the following populations, use the links below.